In the punningly titled sitcom Schitt’s Creek, formerly filthy rich video store magnate Johnny Rose, his soap star wife Moira, and their two kids, über-hipster son David and socialite daughter Alexis, suddenly find themselves broke and forced to live in Schitt’s Creek, a small depressing town they once bought as a joke.
production details
Canada | Pop – ITV Studios – Not A Real Company Productions | x22 minutes | Broadcast from 11 February 2015
Creators and Executive Producers: Dan Levy, Eugene Levy
Andrew Barnsley as Executive Producer
Ben Feigin as Executive Producer
Fred Levy as Executive Producer
Eugene Levy as Johnny Rose
Catherine O’Hara as Moira Rose
Dan Levy as David Rose
Annie Murphy as Alexis Rose
Emily Hampshire as Stevie Budd
Chris Elliott as Roland Schitt
Jennifer Robertson as Jocelyn Schitt
Sarah Levy as Twyla Sands