Simone de Beauvoir’s Babies

Four women (in their late thirties) meet up at a 20 years on high school reunion, all either childless, divorced or never married and going through something of a turning point in their lives.

Ringleader Karla (Sonia Todd) is determined that the four of them (the girls had been thick as thieves at high school but had drifted apart somewhat in subsequent years) should have babies, regardless of the fact that they don’t have partners, two of the four Louise (Anne Looby) and Sue (Sally Cooper) agree, only Dianne (Laverne McDonnell) doesn’t feel the need to have a baby.

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This is the lynchpin on which the serial hangs but it is so much more than that as the women learn about themselves, find lost loves and realise what is important in their lives.

production details
Australia | ABC | 4×60 minutes | 1997

Director: Kate Woods
Writer: Deborah Cox
Producers: Deborah Cox, Andrew Knight, Denise Patience
Executive Producers: Andrew Knight, Sue Masters, Jackie O’Sullivan, Stephen Vizard
Director of Photography: Jaems Grant

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Leverne McDonnell as Dianne
Anne Looby as Louise
Sonia Todd as Karla
Sally Cooper as Sue Jacovic
Phillip Gordon as Spud
Phillip Holder as Charles
David Wenham as Ian
Jacek Koman as Ryko
Jennifer Cluff as Brenda
Asher Keddie as Karla (aged 17)
Belinda McClory as Wendy

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.