Titans follows young heroes from across the DC Universe as they come of age and find belonging in a gritty take on the classic Teen Titans franchise. Dick Grayson and Rachel Roth, a special young girl possessed by a strange darkness, get embroiled in a conspiracy that could bring Hell on Earth. Joining them along the way are the hot-headed Starfire and loveable Beast Boy. Together they become a surrogate family and team of heroes.
production details
Akiva Goldsman as Creator and Executive Producer
Greg Berlanti as Creator and Executive Producer
Marc Haimes as Creator and Co-Executive Producer(TNT)
Sarah Schechter as Executive Producer
US | 43 minutes | 2018
Script: Akiva Goldsman, Greg Berlanti, Geoff Johns,
Brenton Thwaites as Dick Grayson / Nightwing
Teagan Croft as Rachel Roth / Raven
Anna Diop as Koriand’r / Starfire
Minka Kelly as Dawn Granger / Dove
Ryan Potter as Gar Logan / Beast Boy
Alan Ritchson as Hank Hall / Hawk
Neven Pajkic as Large Man
Jarreth Merz as The Acolyte