Beryl’s Lot was a comedy drama series that aired on ITV from 1973 – 1977. Carmel McSharry starred as Milkman’s wife Beryl Humphries determined to improve herself, and sets about doing so. Her husband Tom was played by Mark Kingston for the first two seasons and by George Selway in the third and final season.
When the series began Beryl was fast approaching forty and was feeling that she had spent the last twenty years raising a family and being a wife. A fact she is very proud of but now feels that there must be more to life. Her first task is to start evening classes.
The cast also included Robin Askwith for the first couple of seasons, as well as Anita Carey as Babs and Tony Caunter as Trevor.
The first two seasons were fifty minutes for an hour long slot, season three saw the episodes move to a half hour slot earlier in the evening. It was a much longer run of episodes – 26 instead of 13 but in reality the same amount of screen time.
Early in 1973 Carmel McSharry had appeared in an episode of Justice called One For The Road, this was written by Bill Macilwraith who was a major contributor to Beryl’s Lot. The series was also a Yorkshire TV series and Kevin Laffan (who created this series as well as Emmerdale Farm) was also a contributor to Justice.
production details
UK / ITV – Yorkshire / 26×50 minute episodes 26×25 minute episodes / Broadcast 1 November 1973 – 24 June 1977
Creator: Kevin Laffan / Executive Producers: Peter Wiles, David Cunliffe
CARMEL McSHARRY as Beryl Humphries
MARK KINGSTON as Tom Humphries (Seasons 1-2)
GEORGE SELWAY as Tom Humphries (Season 3)
VERNA HARVEY as Rosie Humphries
TONY CAUNTER as Trevor Tonks
ANITA CAREY as Babs Humphries
ROBIN ASKWITH as Fred Pickering(S1-2)
BRIAN CAPRON as Jack Humphries