Pablo is the first animated TV series to star an autistic character and the first TV programme with an all-autistic core cast. Every episode is grounded in the real-life experiences of autistic children, with autistic young writers and contributors helping bring ideas and perspectives to life in an honest and humorous way.
Magic crayons, animated friends and a wonderful imagination… these are the tools that five and a half year-old Pablo uses to turn life’s little challenges into big adventures.
The audience joins Pablo, who is on the autism spectrum, as he journeys from real life into the animated art world he creates, where his animal friends help him to handle situations which make him feel anxious, such as going for a haircut or to the supermarket.
production details
Country: UK
Network and Production Companies: CBeebies – Paper Owl Films
Duration: x10 minute episodes
Aired From: Monday 2 October 2017