The animated sitcom Grimsburg returns with a new episode, “The Big Trouble with Lil’ Betsy,” airing on FOX on April 21. The series, created by Catlan McClelland and Matthew Schlissel, follows the adventures of detective Marvin Flute (Jon Hamm) in the fictional town of Grimsburg, where he investigates bizarre crimes while also trying to solve the mystery of his own family.
In this episode, Marvin and his team are called to investigate the death of a morning TV host, with former child star Lil’ Betsy emerging as the main suspect. As the investigation unfolds, Marvin becomes consumed by his newfound celebrity status, and his determination to prove Lil’ Betsy’s guilt intensifies as those around him rally to support her.
Marvin has a suprising obsession with fame and it influences his judgment. It also continues the season’s narrative arc of Marvin’s quest to redeem himself with his ex-wife, as he navigates the challenges of his personal and professional lives in Grimsburg, a town filled with secrets.
Grimsburg airs on FOX at 9.30 pm on Sunday, April 21, 2024.