Hudson & Rex returns with a gripping episode, “Jail Break,” airing on UP on April 25, 2024. The episode centres around an intense hostage situation as an imprisoned killer forces a police station into lockdown, thrusting Detective Charlie Hudson and his partner, former-K9 German Shepherd Rex, into a race against time.
In “Jail Break,” an imprisoned killer, Billy Mumford, takes drastic measures to escape. He forces the station into lockdown by taking a wounded officer, Justine Mallory, as his hostage. With the lives of Mallory and the entire station at stake, Hudson must use his cunning detective skills, while Rex relies on his keen canine senses.
It’s quite the fun episode especially when Toby Blu and Skye Gibson, a duo of petty criminals find themselves entangled in Mumford’s escape plan. Mumford’s impulsive decisions and poor impulse control create a tense and unpredictable environment, putting everyone at risk.
Hudson & Rex airs on UP at 8.00 pm on Thursday, April 25, 2024.