Investigation Discovery presents an original true-crime documentary, “Shots in the Dark,” airing on Saturday April 27. The episode focuses on the tragic case of Brendan Creato, a three-year-old boy from Haddon Township, New Jersey, whose mysterious death shocked the community.
On the morning of October 13, 2015, Brendan’s father, David “DJ” Creato Jr., reported the toddler missing, claiming he may have wandered out of their second-floor apartment. A community-wide search ensued, and three hours later, a K-9 unit found Brendan’s lifeless body in Cooper River Park, about half a mile from their home.
The investigation was marred by a series of missteps, including a cursory crime scene report by a death investigator and multiple inconclusive autopsies. The case gained further attention due to DJ Creato’s relationship with his 17-year-old girlfriend, Julia “Julie” Stensky, who resented Brendan and made troubling statements about him.
The episode examines the details of the case, including the text messages exchanged between DJ Creato and Stensky, the role of social media, and the impact of the investigation on the community. It also explores the question of whether the death was a result of foul play or a tragic accident.
The episode features interviews with law enforcement officials, forensic experts, and family members, offering insights into the challenges of the investigation and the impact of the tragedy on those involved.
“Shots in the Dark” provides a comprehensive look at the Brendan Creato case, shedding light on the events leading up to his death, the subsequent investigation, and the search for justice. It airs on Investigation Discovery at 8:00 p.m. on Saturday, April 27, 2024.