In the season finale of “Lethally Blonde,” airing on Monday April 29, Holly Madison takes viewers into the dark underbelly of the modeling world with the episode “A Model Murder.” This installment explores the tragic story of aspiring model Kimberly Pandelios, who vanished after accepting a lingerie photoshoot offer from a mysterious photographer.
The case of Kimberly Pandelios dates back to 1992 when she was a 20-year-old wife, mother, and aspiring model. On February 27, 1992, Kimberly set out for an outdoor photoshoot, telling her husband she was meeting a photographer named Paul. She was never seen again.
The investigation into her disappearance took a sinister turn when her burned-out car was discovered near the Angeles National Forest. A year later, in March 1993, partial skeletal remains were found in the same area, identified as those of Kimberly. The case garnered media attention, and an off-road enthusiast named Jeff came forward, claiming he had seen Kimberly at a campsite with three men shortly before her disappearance.
Years later, in 2004, a breakthrough occurred when authorities arrested David Rademaker, a convicted sex offender. Rademaker had a history of running a prostitution service and a phone sex line. He was tied to Kimberly’s murder through phone records and the testimony of his teenage girlfriend, Manya Ksendzov, who revealed that he had confessed to the crime. Rademaker was sentenced to life in prison without parole.
This season of “Lethally Blonde” has featured a range of tragic cases, including the story of Timothy Boham, a Midwestern farmer who became a model and fell into a downward spiral of drugs, adult films, and ultimately, murder. Another episode highlighted the case of Crystal Magnum, a single mother who turned to exotic dancing to support her family, only to stab and kill her boyfriend when faced with an uncertain future.
Don’t miss the season finale of “Lethally Blonde,” airing on Investigation Discovery at 10:00 pm on Monday, April 29, 2024.