Fantasy drama series The Magicians is based on Lev Grossman’s best-selling novels. The series centers on Quentin, a brilliant grad student chosen to attend Brakebills College for Magical Pedagogy, a secret upstate New York university specializing in magic. He and his 20-something friends soon discover that the magical fantasy world they read about as children is all too real – and poses grave danger to humanity.
production details
USA | Syfy – Universal Cable Productions | x50 minutes | Broadcast from 16 December 2015
Novels: Lev Grossman
Creators: Sera Gamble, John McNamara
Executive Producers: Janice Williams, John McNamara, Michael London, Sera Gamble
Jason Ralph as Quentin Coldwater
Stella Maeve as Julia Wicker
Olivia Taylor Dudley as Alice Quinn
Hale Appleman as Eliot Waugh
Arjun Gupta as William “Penny” Adiyodi
Summer Bishil as Margo Hanson
Rick Worthy as Henry Fogg
Jade Tailor as Kady Orloff-Diaz
Brittany Curran as Fen
Trevor Einhorn as Josh Hoberman