Nude (2018, Alix Bénézech, Malya Roman)

In 10 part French comedy crime drama Nude it is the year 2026 and a radical change requires everyone to live naked in a pacified and peaceful France. But the murder of a young woman found dressed revives tensions.

The investigation is entrusted to a young inspector who collaborates with her ex-partner, just out of the coma in which he had fallen at the time … where everyone was still wearing clothes.

production details
Country: France | 10 episodes
Release Year: 2018

Creators: Olivier Fox, Judith Godinot, Olivier de Plas

Alix Bénézech as Jess
Malya Roman as Lucie
Éléonore Arnaud as Malika
Sébatien Barrio as Pujol
Satya Dusaugey as Frank
Brigitte Faure as Nathalie
Vincent Solignac as Serge
Joséphine Draï as Eva
Valérie Decobert-Koretzky as Mathilde
Alain Bouzigues as Doc Gonzales
Anne-Elisabeth Blateau as Fanny
Philippe Vieux as Charles Legrand
Rodolphe Sand as Paige
Bruno Paviot as Simoni
Jean-Baptiste Shelmerdine as Karl

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.