Rentaghost (BBC Sitcom, Michael Staniforth, Anthony Jackson)

In well remembered BBC fantasy children’s sitcom Rentaghost a bunch of ghosts hire themselves out, usually with disastrous consequences.

Fred Mumford (Anthony Jackson) has recently died and become a ghost, he decides to set up a business providing work for other ghosts. Mumford hires an office from Harold Meaker (Edward Brayshaw) who initially has no idea he is dealing with ghosts. Working for Mumford is medieval jester Timothy Claypole (Michael Staniforth), Victorian gent Hubert Davenport (Michael Darbyshire), Hazel McWitch (Molly Weir), Nadia Popov (Sue Nicholls) and Adam Painting (Christopher Biggins).

By the time of the 1979 Darbyshire had sadly died and Anthony Jackson also decided to leave. Meaker then took over the running of the business. By the time the series ended in 1984 Staniforth and Brayshaw were the only original cast member still on board.

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Staniforth also wrote and performed the excellent theme tune. The show’s working title was Second Chance which was nowhere near as catchy as Rentaghost.

Cast: MICHAEL STANIFORTH as Timothy Claypole; ANTHONY JACKSON as Fred Mumford; MICHAEL DARBYSHIRE as Hubert Davenport; EDWARD BRAYSHAW as Mr Meaker; ANN EMERY as Ethel Meaker; JOHN DAWSON as Mr Mumford; MOLLY WEIR as Hazel MacWitch; SUE NICHOLLS as Nadia Popov; CHRISTOPHER BIGGINS as Adam Painting

Creator: Bob Block / Theme Music: Michael Staniforth / Special Effects: Bill King / Producer: Jeremy Swan

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UK / BBC One / 57×25 minute episodes 1×40 minute episode / Broadcast 6 January 1976 – 6 November 1984

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.