In Armchair Theatre drama The Pity of it All, widowed Nancy Harper (Billie Whitelaw) begins a friendship with Walter Daymer (Nigel Stock) who happens to be the man responsible for the death of her daughter in a traffic accident.
The strongly cast drama was an original story from Stan Barstow and was the final play in the sixth season of the Armchair Theatre strand.
Armchair Theatre Season 6 Episode 7
Cast: Billie Whitelaw as Nancy Harper; Nigel Stock as Walter Daymer; Ann Firbank as Elizabeth Daymer; Jack Watson as Mr Frost; Maureen Pryor as Mrs Frost; John McKelvey as H. J. Finch; Patricia Shakesby as Marjorie; Hal Galili as Waiter
Writer: Stan Barstow / Story Editor: Robert Banks Stewart / Design: David Marshall / Director: Patrick Dromgoole
UK / ITV – ATV / 1×50 minute episode / Saturday 22 January 1966 at 10.05pm