In this episode of 20/20, titled “The Murder of Skylar Neese,” ABC News correspondent Ryan Smith investigates the shocking murder of a 16-year-old girl by her two best friends. The episode, airing on Friday, April 12, from 9:00-11:00 p.m. EDT on ABC, takes us into the unthinkable crime that shattered a tight-knit West Virginia community.
When Skylar Neese disappeared, authorities initially believed she was a runaway. The only lead was a mysterious security surveillance video showing Skylar getting into an unknown vehicle in the middle of the night. After months of searching, the community was stunned when Skylar’s two best friends confessed to luring her out of her home, stabbing her to death, and hiding her body in the woods.
The program features interviews with key individuals involved in the case, including Holly Millea, Justine Harman, and Jason Hoch, the hosts and executive producer of the podcast “Three,” which is based on Skylar’s story. The episode also includes insights from Tom Bloom, a former counselor at University High School, which Skylar and her killers attended.
The two-hour special provides a comprehensive examination of the crime, exploring the alleged motive of a love affair between the co-defendants. The episode also includes interviews with law enforcement officials and prosecutors, such as retired West Virginia police officer Chris Berry, retired Monongalia County prosecutor Marcia Ashdown, and Perry Joe DeChristopher, a former assistant prosecutor and current chief judge.
20/20 airs Friday nights on ABC.