The documentary series A Brief History of the Future returns to PBS with its latest episode, “Human,” hosted by renowned futurist Ari Wallach. The six-part series explores our futures and how we can reimagine them, offering a journey around the world filled with discovery, hope, and possibility.
In this instalment, which airs on Wednesday April 24, Wallach investigates the human ability to increase empathy and compassion, examining the values we instil in artificial intelligence technologies and how we can create a better world for human life to flourish. Through conversations with experts and individuals from diverse fields, Wallach looks into the impact of our choices today on our tomorrows and challenges us to consider our role as ancestors of future generations.
The episode also explores the concept of “cathedral thinking,” where decisions and actions are made with a long-term perspective, benefiting generations to come. Wallach highlights the importance of interconnectedness between the past, present, and future, and how we can learn from ancient wisdom to build a better tomorrow.
A Brief History of the Future continues to challenge the dystopian framework embraced by popular culture, offering a refreshing and optimistic take on the future.
A Brief History of the Future airs on PBS at 9:00 p.m. ET on April 24, 2024.