John Wentworth

English character player John Wentworth was best known for his long running role as Henry Castleton on ITV drama The Main Chance. He was a TV regular throughout the 1960’s and 1970’s. He’s a classic example of an unsung TV actor. Lots of small roles in well known series without ever taking the lead, usually as someone in a position of authority or business.

Wentworth was born 7 June 1909 in Reading, England and he died in 1989 in Dorset, England.


1949: Two Dozen Red Roses (Play) as Alberto Verani
1949: Mountain Air (Play) as Dr Johann Hubermann
1957: Theatre Night: The Happiest Millionaire as John Lawless
1958: Duty Bound: The Girl Who Took The Wrong Turning as Doctor Cannon
1958: Love From A Stranger (Play) as Dr Gribble
1958: ITV Television Playhouse: The Heat of the Evening as Prosecuting Council
1959: World Theatre: Volpone as Sir Politick Would-be
1959: World Theatre: Julius Caesar as Meellus Cimber
1959: No Hiding Place: No Wreath for Clive as Inspector
1960: Deadline Midnight Season 1 Episode 3 as Sir William Roe
1960: Probation Officer Season 1 Episode 37 as Colonel Stamp
1960: On Trial: The Tichborne Case as Colonel Norbury
1960: Boyd QC: The Time of Day as Dr Spiller
1960: ITV Play of the Week: The Upstart as Sir Jasper Mottram
1960: No Hiding Place: Victim of the Dark as Dr Harvey
1960: No Hiding Place: A Very Respectable Man as Ex-Chief Supt Parsons
1961: Boyd QC: The Runabout as Mr Ewen
1961: Probation Officer: Season 3 Episode 10 as Mr Thorpe
1961: The Dickie Henderson Show: The Camp
1961: ITV Play of the Week: The Poisoned Earth
1961: ITV Play of the Week: The Whisperers as Doctor
1961: No Hiding Place: Payment in Kind as Forester
1962: Top Secret: The Man From Carataz as Don Enrique Broca
1962: The Odd Man: The Circular Escape as Preece Sr
1962: ITV Play of the Week: A Matter of Principle as Pollock
1962: BBC Sunday Night Play: Six Men of Dorset as Mr Robert Owen
1962: Wednesday’s Child (Play) as Cynthia’s Husband
1963: Suspense: The Honest Man as Solicitor
1963: Ghost Squad: The Thirteenth Girl as Mr Whitehead
1963: ITV Television Playhouse: Mr Pickwick as Mr Wardle
1963: The Plane Makers: Loved He Not Honours More as Mr Telliter
1963: Dixon of Dock Green: A Woman Named Julie as Colonel Milson
1963: Emergency Ward 10 Episode 596 as Dr Dee
1963: The Avengers: Six Hands Across A Table as Sir Charles Reniston
1964: The Saint: Sophia as Professor Hamish Grant
1964: Story Parade: The Caves of Steel as Dr Fastolfe
1964: Our Man at St Marks: Smoke Without Fire as The Bishop
1964: Love Story: In Loving Memory as Harry
1964: Sergeant Cork: The Case of the Wounded Warder as Major Manning
1964: No Hiding Place: Hanging by a Thread as Rawlins
1964: The Massingham Affair (Series) as Colonel Deverel
1964: The Plane Makers: Empires Have to Start Somewhere as Bill Ryan
1964: Count of Monte Cristo (Series) as The Abbe Faria
1964: East Lynne (Play) as Lord Mount Servern
1964: Crossroads (Series) as Roland Hislop
1964: The Human Jungle: Skeleton in the Cupboard as Sir Humphrey
1964: Mike: What A Motley Lot as Robin Smyth Hampton
1965: Front Page Story: The Public Interest as Foster
1965: BBC Play of the Month: Passage to India as Major Callandar
1965: Drama 65: The Vanishing Trick as Captain Brownlow
1965: Contract to Kill (Series) as Herr Kitzner
1965: Undermind: Song of Death as Dr Spring
1965: Heiress of Garth (Series) as Sir Charles Woosenham
1965: Dixon of Dock Green: Unlawful Possession as Mr Adams
1965: The Avengers: The Master Minds as Sir Jeremy
1965: Hereward the Wake (Series) as Abbot Brand
1966: The Spies: The Trouble With Aristotle as General Pikrou
1966: Emergency Ward 10 Episode 907 as Sir Malcolm Broadley
1966: Ransom for a Pretty Girl (Series) as Jacques
1966: The Newcomers Episode 122 as Curtis
1966: The Wednesday Play: The Connoisseur as Peter Benson
1966: Out of the Unknown: The Eye as Stevens
1967: BBC Play of the Month: The Cabinet Papers as Prime Minister
1967: The Newcomers Episode 152 as Broderick
1967: Mogul: Long Knives Cut Deep as Sir Richard Costello
1967: Boy Meets Girl: Fight of the Kingfisher as Mr Musgrove
1967: Angel Pavement (Series) as Mr Pearson
1968: The Prisoner: Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling as Sir Charles
1968: Softly Softly: Complaint as Mr Jenkins
1968: Point Counter Point (Series) as Sidney Quarles
1968: Detective: A Man and his Mother-in-Law as Chief Inspector Karslake
1968: The First Lady: Print and Be Damned as Sir William Froude
1969: Callan (Series) as Sir Michael Harvey then Sir John Harvey
1969-1975: The Main Chance (Series) as Henry Castleton
1970: Menace: Man With A Mission as Minister of State
1970: Germinal (Series) as Monsieur Gregoire
1970: The Wednesday Play: Sovereign’s Company as General Decamps
1971: The Last of the Mohicans (Series) as Tamenund
1971: Bel Ami (Series) as Comte de Vaudrec
1971: Out of the Unknown: The Shattered Eye as Barton
1971: The Rivals of Sherlock Holmes: The Missing Witness Sensation as Thaxted
1971: The Search for the Nile: The Great Debate
1972: The Dick Emery Show Season 11 Episode 6
1973: The Edwardians: Lloyd George as Prime Minister
1973: Menace: Valentine as Gourtay
1973: The Best of Dick Emery
1974: Barlow: Corruption as Sir Norman Duggan
1974: Z Cars: Rota as Dr Roche
1974: Marked Personal Episodes 61 and 62 as Dr Moffatt
1974: The Onedin Line: Port Out, Starboard Home as Mr Wallace
1976: Ripping Yarns: Tomkinson’s Schooldays as Chaplain
1976: Shades of Greene: A Chance for Mr Lever as Besterman
1976: The Glittering Prizes: An Early Life as Henry Davidson
1976: Killers: The Blazing Car Murder as Colonel Cuthbert Buckle
1979: Jackanory Playhouse: The Portrait as Priest
1978: Kidnapped: Uncle Ebenezer as Captain
1979: BBC2 Playhouse: Speed King as Lord Wakefield
1979-1980: The Onedin Line (Series) as Dawkins
1980: The Dick Emery Show Season 18 Episode 3
1983: Number 10: The Asquiths as Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman
1983: A Married Man (Series) as Sir Christopher Gerrard
1983: The Blue Dress (Play) as Clergyman
1984: Amy (Play) as Lord Wakefield


1963: The Scales of Justice: The Invisible Asset as Registrar
1969: The Last Shot You Hear as Chambers
1969: The Oblong Box as Parson

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.