Hearts of Gold (BBC-1 2003, Jeremy Sheffield, Kate Jarman)

Hearts Of Gold is a bittersweet but heart-warming love story across the class divide set in the poverty-stricken Thirties deep in the South Wales Valleys.

Dr Andrew John is the pillar of middle-class respectability as he takes a post in his father’s infirmary and workhouse.

There he meets nurse Bethan Powell, who has just passed her training exams with the highest honours.

But, when Bethan discovers she feels more for the doctor than her present beau, Alun, and he falls for her strength and spirit, so lacking in his usual girlfriends, there are repercussions on both sides.

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Bethan’s mining family fears she’ll be toyed with and cast aside, while Andrew’s upright parents think that their son is risking his reputation for a girl from the wrong side of the tracks.

production details
UK | BBC One | 2×90 minutes | Broadcst 5-6 July 2003

Writer: Matthew Baylis
Novel: Catrin Collier
Producer: Matthew Robinson
Director: Richard Laxton

Jeremy Sheffield as Dr. Andrew John
Kate Jarman as Nurse Bethan Powell
Geraldine James as Elizabeth Powell
David Troughton as Evan Powell
Judy Parfitt as Isobel John
David Warner as Dr. Theo John
Robert Gwyn Davin as Lew Richards
Siobhan Flynn as Laura Ronconi
Andrew Howard as Alun Price
Celyn Jones as Trevor Lewis
Gabrielle Lloyd as Matron
Joseph Long as Papa Ronconi
Ray Nicholas as Bad Billy Baker
Rebecca Bull as Diana Gough
Ifan Huw Dafydd as DC Bull
Gareth Gethyn Evans as MC
Jonathan Floyd as Eddie Powell
Sara Lloyd as Maisie Noyle
Tom Lucy as Minister
Adrienne O’Sullivan as Ginny Edwards
Karen Paullada as Nurse
Gareth Potter as Blackleg
Beth Robert as Sister Jackson, Ward Sister
Daniel Rochford as Policeman
Dewi Savage as Minister
Mossie Smith as Megan Gough
Alexandra Staden as Anthea Llewellyn-Jones
Catrin Stewart as Maud Powell

Alastair James is the editor in chief for Memorable TV. He has been involved in media since his university days. Alastair is passionate about television, and some of his favourite shows include Line of Duty, Luther and Traitors. He is always on the lookout for hot new shows, and is always keen to share his knowledge with others.