This anthology series brings to life Aaron Mahnke’s “Lore” podcast and uncovers the real-life events that spawned our darkest nightmares. Blending dramatic scenes, animation, archive and narration, Lore reveals how our horror legends – such as vampires, werewolves and body snatchers – are rooted in truth.
production details
USA | Amazon – Amazon Studios – Propagate Content – Valhalla Entertainment| x40 minutes | 2017
Aaron Mahnke as Creator/Co-Executive Producer
Ben Silverman as Executive Producer
Brett-Patrick Jenkins as Executive Producer
Gale Anne Hurd as Executive Producer
Glen Morgan as Executive Producer
Howard T. Owens as Executive Producer
Jon Halperin as Executive Producer
Mark Mannucci as Executive Producer
Aaron Mahnke as Narrator
Colm Feore as Dr. Walter Freeman
Campbell Scott as George Brown
Holland Roden as Bridget Cleary
Cathal Pendred as Michael Cleary
Robert Patrick as Reverend Eliakim Phelps
Kristin Bauer van Straten as Minnie Otto
Adam Goldberg as Peter Stumpp
John Byner as Patrick Boland
Sandra Ellis Lafferty as Aunt Bridget
Nadine Lewington as Johanna Kennedy Burke
Kristen Cloke as Dr. Marjorie Freeman