A Handful of Thieves is a BBC production for BBC One. It aired in 1969 and starred Helen Worth and Martin Ratcliffe.
In the four part Children’s serial a group of teens (Sid, Fred, Algy, Rosie, and Clio) who call themselves The Cemetery Committee get involved in a mystery when their Gran takes in a sinister lodger called Mr Gribble who makes off with her life savings. The story had previously been adapted in five parts for Jackanory from Monday 23 October – Friday 27 October 1967. The storyteller was Keith Barron.
Helen Worth (Rosie), Martin Ratcliffe (Fred), John Gugolka (Algy), Juliet Marshall (Clio), Martin Skinner (Sid), Frank Mills (Mr Gribble), Barbara Leake (Gran), Sheila Fay (Mrs Beecham), Erik Chitty (Old Puffer), Rhoda Lewis (Mrs McAlpine), John Baskcomb (Mr Puttock), Edward Harvey, John Levene, Maggie Flint, Annette Kerr, Kristine Howarth, Martin Gordon, Sidney Johnson, Joby Blanshard (Uncle William), Andrew Staines (Mr Stanley), Jane Enshawe, Carl Forgione, Pamela Sholto, Jeffrey Segal, Peter Lund, David King.
Adapted by Rosemary Anne Sisson / Based on a book by Nina Bawden / Script Editor: Victor Pemberton / Designed by Barrie Dobbins / Produced by John McRae / Directed by Barry Letts
Production Details
UK / BBC One / 4×25 minutes / Broadcast from 22nd September 1969 to 13th October 1969
The Episodes
The Sinister Lodger (22nd September 1969)
Guest Cast: Erik Chitty (Old Puffer), John Levene, Maggie Flint, Annette Kerr, Kristine Howarth, Martin Gordon, Sidney Johnson.
The Fireworks Party (29th September 1969)
Guest Cast: Erik Chitty (Old Puffer), John Levene, Maggie Flint, Annette Kerr, Kristine Howarth, Martin Gordon, Sidney Johnson.
Find Mr Gribble! (6th October 1969)
Guest Cast: John Baskcomb (Mr Puttock), Joby Blanshard (Uncle William), Rhoda Lewis (Mrs McAlpine), Andrew Staines (Mr Stanley), Jane Enshawe, Carl Forgione, Pamela Sholto.
Stop Thief! (13th October 1969)
Guest Cast: Andrew Staines (Mr Stanley), Erik Chitty (Old Puffer), Joby Blanshard (Uncle William), Rhoda Lewis (Mrs McAlpine), John Baskcomb (Mr Puttock), Jeffrey Segal, Peter Lund, David King.