In Icelandic crime drama The Lava Field, when Reykjavik crime detective Helgi Marvin Runarsson is called in to investigate a suicide case on Snaefellsnes Peninsula, the case turns out to be far from simple. Pulled into a sinister trail of evidence, Helgi’s own deeply hidden secrets are unearthed. Will Helgi turn a blind eye to murder in order to save the life of his daughter.
Arnoddur Magnus Danks as Össi
Salome R. Gunnarsdottir as Helena
Unnur Birna Jónsdóttir as Hafdis
Heida Reed as Gréta
production info
Original Title: Hraunið
First Air Date: September 27th, 2014
Last Air Date: September 30th, 2014
Genres: Drama, Crime
Country: Iceland
Network: RÚV
Number of Seasons: 1
Number of Episodes: 4