What can viewers expect and look forward to when watching Clean It, Fix It?
Clever tips, a bit of banter and good results.
What makes it stand out from other expert home makeover programmes?
I think it’s the way we all naturally bond together and just get on with the task at hand. We get along so well and had so much fun filming the programme.
What was your personal highlight when filming Clean It, Fix It?
There’s an episode where I had to put on a wetsuit to clean a bathroom! I even shocked myself with the result – it was a beautiful transformation.
What was it like working with Tommy and Asher?
Tommy’s a proper geezer! He’s very humble and easy to work with.
And it was also lovely working with Asher. It came to a point that whenever I called him over, he would know to expect that I’ll be asking him for a tool that I can use to clean something – including the toilet. He got used to my weird requests…
What do you recommend every person needs to have in their cleaning starter kit?
A microfiber, ball scourer, white vinegar, baking powder, washing up liquid and a blunt knife – the knife is for the hard to reach places!
How did you feel when you saw people’s reactions to how you and the team transform their homes?
I love the reactions. I cried during one of the transformations. We were at a bungalow with a retired couple and the husband has mobility issues. They were struggling to make the most out of their space and we worked hard to make it accessible for them. It was very emotional but incredibly rewarding.