In the upcoming episode of Fire Country, titled “A Hail Mary,” the Three Rock camp faces an uncertain future as public opinion takes a negative turn. The episode, airing on CBS on Friday, April 26, 2024, at 9.00 pm, explores the impact of growing community disapproval and the challenges faced by the characters in restoring their reputation and protecting their community.
The series, inspired by Max Thieriot’s own experiences, centers on Bode Donovan (Thieriot), a young convict seeking redemption and a shortened prison sentence by joining a prison release firefighting program. In exchange for reduced sentences, convicts like Bode are paired with elite firefighters to battle wildfires in Northern California.
In “A Hail Mary,” the focus shifts to the growing negative public sentiment toward the Three Rock camp. The recent escape of an inmate from the camp, as well as the personal connections and dynamics between the characters and the community are all playing their part here. The deputy sheriff, Mickey, who has a surprising connection to the Leones, was called to investigate the incident too.
The episode is written by Sara Casey and Manuel Herrera and directed by Marie Jamora. It features a talented ensemble cast, including Max Thieriot as Bode Leone, Billy Burke as Vince Leone, Kevin Alejandro as Manny Perez, and Diane Farr as Sharon Leone.
Fire Country: Hail Mary airs on CBS at 9.00 pm on Friday, April 26, 2024.