Evil Lives Here returns with an intense episode titled “He Brought Roses and a Gun” airing on Investigation Discovery at 9:00 PM ET/PT on Sunday March 3rd. This chilling episode follows the harrowing story of Andrea, who believes she has found the man of her dreams in Ray Clark.
However, as their relationship progresses, Ray’s behavior takes a dark turn. He becomes increasingly possessive and abusive towards Andrea and tortures their infant son. Eventually, Andrea and her baby narrowly escape from Ray’s clutches, but tragically, the next woman he encounters is not as fortunate.
Evil Lives Here offers a haunting exploration of real-life cases where individuals unknowingly share their lives with dangerous predators. By delving into the perspectives of family members or loved ones left in the wake of these crimes, this show provides viewers with an intimate understanding of how evil can hide in plain sight.
Tune in to Investigation Discovery on Sunday March 3rd at 9:00 PM ET/PT for “He Brought Roses and a Gun,” an episode that will leave you questioning how well you truly know those closest to you and reaffirming the importance of trust and vigilance when it comes to matters of personal safety.