In comedy tinged crime drama series Pulaski Larry Summers (David Andrews) is an actor who plays a Polish-American priest turned private detective in a popular TV series however he finds that away from the set he also manages to get mixed up in the solving of real life crime – much to the disgust of his wife and show co-star Kate (Caroline Langrishe).
Pulaski was another excellent Roy Clarke creation, he always scored just as highly whenever he went for the hour long format as he did in the half sitcom format that he is best known for. Guest stars included the likes of Donald Hewlett, Neil Morrissey, Bryan Marshall, John Forgeham, Richard Morant, Ray Winstone, Deborah Grant, magician Ron Berglas, Sadie Frost and Elspet Gray.
Writers included Richard Carpenter, Geoffrey Case and Andrew Payne. The theme music was performed by The Shadows.
Cast: David Andrews as Larry Summers; Caroline Langrishe as Kate ‘Briggsy’ Smith; Kate Harper as Paula; Rolf Saxon as Jerome
Creator: Roy Clarke / Producer: Paul Knight
UK / BBC One / 8×50 minute episodes / 2 October – 20 November 1987