Anarchic, frantic, fast paced BBC comedy series The Goodies (Bill Oddie, Grame Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor) was initially about three flat sharing go anywhere, do anything, anytime troubleshooters. Later the series became more a collection of loosely linked sketches, the trio made ample use of special effects and speeded up film etc and the they also managed a number of chart hits in the process (most notably the Funky Gibbon). Original working titles were Narrow Your Mind and Superchaps Three. Narrow Your Mind was obviously thought of as the trio had been working on a radio show called Broaden Your Mind.
The Goodies switched from the BBC to the ITV Network (LWT) for one special and one season at the end of their TV run. This move allegedly mainly only came about because the BBC had used up all their comedy budget on their adaptation of Douglas Adams’ Hitch-Hikers Guide To The Galaxy and wanted the trio to put the show on hold for awhile.
Writers: Bill Oddie, Graeme Garden, Tim Brooke-Taylor / Music: Bill Oddie, Michael Gibbs, Dave McRae,
UK / BBC (1970-1980) – ITV – London Weekend Television (1981-1982) / 73×30 minute episodes 1×50 minute episodes 1×45 minute episodes 1×25 minute episodes / Broadcast 8 November 1970 – 13 February 1982