Vixen is an animated movie that sits right in to The CW’s DC Universe. Originally from Africa, Mari McCabe’s (voiced by Megalyn Echikunwoke) parents were killed by local greed, corruption, and wanton violence. But the orphaned Mari refuses to succumb to the terrors surrounding her. Inheriting her family’s Tantu Totem, Mari can access the powers of animals — anything from the super-strength of a gorilla to the speed of a cheetah. As Vixen, she fights valiantly to protect the world from the threats like those that claimed her family.
Features the voices of most of the regulars from THE CW’s DC Universe series such as Arrow and The Flash.
Megalyn Echikunwoke as Mari McCabe / Vixen
Stephen Amell as Arrow
Katie Cassidy as Black Canary / Laurel Lance
Emily Bett Rickards as Felicity Smoak
Franz Drameh as Jefferson Jackson / Firestorm
Victor Garber as Martin Stein
Grant Gustin as The Flash
Brandon Routh as The Atom
Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon
crew details
Executive Producers: Greg Berlanti, Marc Guggenheim, Andrew Kriesberg
production details
Country: USA
Network and Production Companies: The CW – Blue Ribbon Content – Warner Bros. Animation – DC Comics
Duration: 74 minutes
Aired From: Wednesday 30 August 2017 at 8.00pm