In the latest installment of American Horror Story: Delicate, viewers will witness the unfolding of a chilling tale as Anna Victoria Alcott, played by Emma Roberts, grapples with her pursuit of fame and motherhood, only to find herself entangled in a cycle that may be far more ancient and sinister than she could have ever imagined. The episode, titled “Ave Hestia,” airs on April 10, 2024, on FX, continuing the twelfth season’s gripping narrative.
It is a dark and twisted journey for Anna, who is entrenched in a relentless pursuit of fame and motherhood. As she navigates her desire for a child and her rising stardom, Anna may uncover a cycle that is not only bigger but also older than she could have ever anticipated. The title “Ave Hestia” further suggests a connection to Hestia, the Greek goddess of hearth and home, indicating a potential ancient force at play.
The season, based on Danielle Valentine’s novel “Delicate Condition,” explores themes of pregnancy, motherhood, and the supernatural. It stars a talented ensemble cast, including Kim Kardashian, Matt Czuchry, Cara Delevingne, and Denis O’Hare, alongside Roberts.
American Horror Story: Delicate airs Wednesday, April 10, 2024, at 10:00 PM on FX.