The April 30 episode of Dark Side of the Ring, titled “Enter Sandman: Legacy of a Hardcore Icon,” shines a spotlight on the controversial and violent career of ECW legend, The Sandman. Born James Fullington, The Sandman became known for his hard-hitting and brutal style in the ring, as well as his heavy drinking and smoking. With a record five ECW World Heavyweight Championships under his belt, he embodied the extreme nature of ECW, making him a fan favourite.
The Sandman’s iconic entrance saw him walk through the crowd, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes to the backdrop of Metallica’s “Enter Sandman.” His gimmick was that of a tough, blue-collar brawler from the mean streets of Philadelphia, often choosing to bleed himself with beer cans before the match even began. His matches were brief, but his entrances were spectacular, and his feuds with wrestlers like Tommy Dreamer, Cactus Jack, and Raven are the stuff of ECW legend.
The episode will also explore The Sandman’s personal life, including his divorce from Lori Fullington and the involvement of their son, Tyler, in The Sandman’s rivalry with Raven. It will explore how Raven brainwashed Lori and Tyler into joining his cult-like following, with Tyler eventually turning against his father.
Dark Side of the Ring airs on Vice TV at 10.00 pm on Tuesday, April 30, 2024.