TV One’s For My Man presents a brand new episode titled “The Price of Revenge,” airing on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 10:00 PM. This gripping installment tells the story of a young woman who, in a stroke of misfortune, finds herself falling for an older man who promises to protect her. However, when a deadly encounter leaves one of her family members critically injured, his protection may prove insufficient as his actions unknowingly lead her down a dangerous and potentially lethal path.
For My Man delves into true crimes fueled by love that ultimately have tragic and devastating consequences. Through dramatic re-enactments and interviews with family members and those involved in the cases, viewers are presented with the chilling stories that unfold in heartbreaking detail.
Hosted by Malikha Mallette, each episode of For My Man exposes the grim reality behind relationships gone wrong. It serves as both a cautionary tale and an exploration into the depths of human behavior when influenced by love and desperation.
Prepare to be intrigued as TV One delivers another thought-provoking episode of For My Man on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 10:00 PM. Witness firsthand how love can sometimes take an unexpected turn towards darkness and tragedy.