On Monday, March 25, 2024, Jeopardy! continued its Invitational Tournament with three formidable contestants: Amy Schneider from Oakland, California; Austin Rogers hailing from New York, New York as a bar owner and author; and Celeste DiNucci representing Philadelphia, Pennsylvania as an arts strategist.
The categories for today’s game were “Thinking About the Holy Roman Empire,” “The Theater,” “Let’s Get a Drink,” “So Nice, We Need the Answer Twice,” “Name That Toon,” and “Words Read Backwards.” In the Let’s Get a Drink category for $600, one of the origin stories explored involved a cocktail said to have been invented during early morning hours after a long night in Sausalito (What is Tequila Sunrise?). Scores at the first break showed Celeste with 600 points, Austin with 4,000 points (doubled from his initial score), and Amy leading with 4,800 points.
Moving into Double Jeopardy!, the categories included “Panhandle States,” “The Grammys’ Great Moments,” “Marine Biology,” “Iamb a Poet,” “Five Guys,” and “Say It in Latin.” The $1,600 clue in Panhandle States asked about West Virginia’s northern panhandle’s border on the north and west side. Amy confidently answered correctly and added 6,000 more points to her total. In Marine Biology for $1,200 , the clue mentioned the heaviest bony fish weighing over 6,050 pounds that mainly feeds on jellyfish (What is Sunfish?). Despite her strong lead throughout the game so far,Amy took a slight hit losing only $1k with this incorrect response.
As they entered Final Jeopardy!, Amy had amassed an impressive total of 28,600 while Austin held onto second place with 9.6k points. Celeste had 800 points but remained in the game as anything can happen in Final Jeopardy!
The category for the final question was “Notorious Figures,” and the clue mentioned a man who falsely claimed that his nickname originated from a shrapnel wound sustained during combat in the Argonne. Unfortunately, none of the contestants were able to answer correctly with Who was Al Capone?
Amy confidently wagered 0, securing her spot in the next round with a total score of 28,600. Final scores revealed Celeste at zero, Austin with 7,904 points and Amy’s triumphant lead.