The acclaimed Apple TV+ series The Big Door Prize returns with its second season, airing the fifth episode, “Night Under the Stars” on Wednesday May 8. Based on M.O. Walsh’s novel, the show is set in the enigmatic town of Deerfield, where a mysterious machine, the Morpho, claims to reveal the true potential of each resident.
In this episode, Dusty, Cass, Nat, and Hana strengthen their bond during a girls’ night out, while Dusty grapples with the aftermath of his romantic dinner with a coworker. Mr. Johnson confronts a haunting memory from his past.
The episode explores the impact of the Morpho machine on the townspeople, as Hana’s disclosures spark curiosity and drive them towards new stages in their lives. Relationships are tested, and characters confront their pasts, all while navigating the challenges and mysteries of Deerfield.
The Big Door Prize: Night Under the Stars airs on Apple TV+ at 3.00 am on Wednesday, May 8, 2024.