The Blue Lizard Effect, a documentary series exploring the concept of happiness in Aruba, continues its journey with the episode “Earth.” Hosted by Jason Silva, the episode airing on Travel on Saturday April 27 is all about the element of Earth and how it connects the past with the present in Aruba.
In this installment, Silva meets three inspiring characters associated with the element of Earth: Harold, Dimitry, and Trudy. Through their experiences and insights, Silva discovers the importance of living creatively and how it contributes to a fulfilling life. He explores the world of ceramics, looks into the island’s history, and reflects on his dreams, undergoing a profound personal transformation in the process.
The episode highlights Silva’s journey of self-discovery and his exploration of the abstract concept of happiness. By interacting with the locals and immersing himself in the Aruban culture, he gains a deeper understanding of what brings true happiness to the people of Aruba and how they find harmony with nature.
The Blue Lizard Effect airs on the Travel Channel at 10:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 27, 2024.