The History Channel’s fascinating documentary series, “The UnXplained: Mysteries of the Universe,” continues with its latest episode, “Alien Earthlings,” airing on Friday, May 10, at 9 pm. In this intriguing instalment, viewers are invited to contemplate the challenges and opportunities of human life beyond Earth. As dreams of venturing beyond the Moon arise, what preparations are needed for survival in space’s unknown depths?
“The UnXplained,” hosted and executive-produced by William Shatner, explores fascinating and inexplicable mysteries. Each episode presents experts, including scientists, historians, astronauts, and witnesses, offering insights into strange and intriguing topics.
The series explores a range of subjects: mysterious structures, phenomena, and potential encounters with extraterrestrial life. It encourages viewers to question, wonder, and seek answers to questions about our universe and navigating space’s challenges.
Join Shatner on a journey beyond Earth, exploring the possibilities of alien environments and our cosmic reach.
The UnXplained: Mysteries of the Universe: Alien Earthlings airs on 10 May 2024 at 21:00 on History.