Comedy drama A Young Doctor’s Notebook sees a Russian doctor Dr Vladimir Bomgard (Jon Hamm and Daniel Radcliffe) looking back at his early days in medicine when he left Moscow to take up a post in a small backwater hospital miles away from anywhere.
Daniel Radcliffe spreads his wings a bit here playing the main character as a young man whilst Jon Hamm plays him middle aged. In a nice conceit the pair are usually both on screen at the same time.
Cast: Jon Hamm as Older Dr Vladimir Bomgard; Daniel Radcliffe as Young Dr Vladimir Bomgard
Writer: Mikhail Bulgakov / Producer: Clelia Mountford / Series Producer: Yvonne Sellins / Executive Producers: Kenton Allen, Jon Hamm / Director: Alex Hardcastle
UK / Sky Arts / 1×30 minute episode / Broadcast Thursday 6 December 2012 at 9.00pm