Fantasy drama The Borrowers, based on the much loved novel by Mary Norton, told of a family no more than a few inches high who get by by scavaging things the humans have no use for. The adventures begin when they are discovered by a little girl.
Eddie Albert as Pod Clock
Tammy Grimes as Homily Clock
Judith Anderson as Aunt Sophy
Beatrice Straight as Mrs. Crampfurl
Barnard Hughes as Mr. Crampfurl
Dennis Larson as The Boy
Karen Pearson as Arrietty Clock
Murray Westgate as Ernie
Dan McIlravey as Tom
crew details
Director: Walter C. Miller
Screenplay: Jay Presson Allen
Producer: Warren J. Lockhart
Book: Mary Norton
production details
Country: USA, Canada
Network and Production Company: Hallmark – Twentieth Century Fox – Walt de Faria
Duration: 90 minutes
Aired From: 14 December 1973