In crime drama series Chandler and Co two women Elly Chandler (Catherine Russell) and her sister-in-law Dee Tate (Barbara Flynn) set up their own private detective agency specialising in infidelity cases.
When season two began Dee had been replaced by Kate Phillips (Susan Fleetwood), in fact apart from Chandler the whole cast was different. Of course this made it very difficult for the show to find an audience.
Guest stars included Julie Peasgood, Jack Galloway, Sarah Matravers, Vincent Regan, Jill Baker and James Faulkner.
Cast: Catherine Russell as Elly Chandler Barbara Flynn as Dee Tate (Season One); Peter Capaldi as Larry Blakeson (Season One); Struan Rodger as David Tate (Season One); Ann Gosling as Joanna Tate (Season One); Edward Holmes as Sam Tate (Season One); Indra Ové as Misty (Season One); Susan Fleetwood as Kate Phillips (Season Two); Eloise Brown as Hannah Tompkins (Season Two);Graham McGarth as Benjamin Phillips (Season Two); Tobias Saunders as Danny Hogarth (Season Two); Adrian Lukis as Mark Judd (Season Two); Bill Britten as Simon Wood (Season Two)
Creator: Paula Milne / Producer: Ann Skinner
UK / BBC One – Skreba / 12×50 minute episodes / 12 July 1994 – 1 September 1995