Drama series. The problems of a group of various types in the Cardiff area called Tiger Bay, a melting-pot of race, class, poverty and new money..
Bernie Hutchinson is out of gaol and, after seventeen years away, is coming back home to Tiger Bay – but there have been a lot of changes in the run-down docks area since he was last there.
His brother Roy, local hard man and now a successful businessman, is expanding his empire into casinos and floating wine-bars. His son Warwick, aspires Roy’s status but has definitely not been cast from the same mould. That won’t stop him and best mate Dan Monks trying though.
Maria Monks was the love of Bernie’s life and the reason why he left all those years ago, when her guilty catholic conscience made her stick by her down-at-the-heel husband, Gary. Now their son Dan is seventeen and there is a sixteen year daughter, Jodie, whom Bernie doesn’t know about yet. And what no-one else knows yet is that Jodie has just lost her virginity to Roy.
Charlie Jarrett, Bernie’s former best friend and employer, has had a messy year since leaving his embittered wife Betty and their daughter Kim, to move in with the younger and more glamorous Helen. But the arrival of a son Paul, promises a new beginning – until Betty turns his world upside down on Kim’s birthday.
Pre-menopausal Landlady Beth Collins has invested everything in her marriage to Sonny and the pub they run between them. She is desperate to have a child before it’s too late but times are hard. The tests keep coming back negative, and then they hear about Roy’s new plans for a new wine bar which will cream off the tourist trade they’ve been relying on.
A newcomer to the Bay is yuppie lawyer Salim and his sexy wife Kate, who are spending money like it’s going out of fashion. But Kate’s about to have a shock – Salim’s deep in debt and about to face fraud charge.
Gossip ripples across the bay, particularly from watchful bay matriarch, Lil, and her favourite cab driver, Ossie. Lil’s outraged to see Charlie arriving home with Helen and their baby. It’s Betty she feels sorry for and she’s determined that they’re not going to let Charlie and his new wife get away with it. And so is Betty.
Life in the bay is about to change forever.
production details
UK | BBC One(BBC Wales) | 8×50 minutes | 1997
Creators: Rob Gittins , William Jones
Producer: Glenda Jones
Martin Troakes as Roy Hutchinson
Jan Anderson as Jodie Monks
Suzanne Packer as Maria Monks
Robert Gwilym as Bernie
Mike Hayward as Charlie
Rokie Ayola as Helen
Joe Dixon as Sonny
Tanveer Ghani as Salim
Stevie Parry as Lil
Peter Doran as Ossie
Nickie Rainsford as Kate
Francine Morgan as Beth
Richard Harrington as Warwick
Martin Cole as Dan
Karin Diamond as Kim
Gwynne Davies as Weasel
Philip Howe as Gary Monks