On BBC Two, a fierce competition unfolds as eight aspiring wedding planners engage in a battle to be crowned the Ultimate Wedding Planner. The series features six courageous couples who trust these planners to assume control over their special day.
Jack is a wedding DJ and host from Leicestershire.
What made you want to take part in the show
For me, the motivation to take part in the show was a personal challenge. I wanted to prove to my team (including my wife!) and also myself, that I could pull a wedding together without relying on them to do everything for me. And what better way to do that than on a national television show?!
What did you learn from the experience
I definitely feel that I’ve grown both personally and professionally from taking part in the show. One of the biggest challenges for me was being away from my family. It really helped me to appreciate how lucky I am to have a business that gives me the freedom to spend so much time with them. Whilst I feel I was successful in proving I could work without my team behind me I don’t plan on doing it again!
I’m excited to see how the show comes together and I can’t wait for my family and friends to see what we got up to. I think it will be quite eye opening for anyone outside of the industry to get an insight into what goes on behind the scenes.
Ultimate Wedding Planner airs soon on BBC Two.