The third season of the crime drama series BMF (Black Mafia Family) comes to an end on Starz with the episode “Prime Time” airing on Friday May 10. The show follows a drug trafficking and money laundering organisation known as the Black Mafia Family.
BMF stars Demetrius “Lil Meech” Flenory Jr., Da’Vinchi, and La La Anthony. The series, created by Randy Huggins, debuted in September 2021 and has kept audiences hooked with its portrayal of the Flenory family’s criminal empire.
In the season finale, titled “Prime Time”, Meech and Terry return to Atlanta. The brothers work together to retrieve everything they’ve built and plan to expand their empire to St. Louis and other cities, using Miami as a hub. This sets the stage for one of their greatest adventures.
The episode, scheduled for release on Friday, May 10, at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Starz, promises to be a thrilling conclusion to the season.