In the upcoming episode of “The Reluctant Traveler” on Apple TV+, award-winning actor Eugene Levy embarks on an adventurous journey to Germany. Titled “Germany: The Health Resort,” this episode airs at 3.00am on Friday March 22, 2024.
Leaving behind conventional tourist hotspots, Eugene takes viewers off the beaten path to the enchanting island of Sylt. Here, he immerses himself in a world of wellness and rejuvenation at the renowned Lanserhof holistic retreat.
While exploring this idyllic destination, Eugene encounters unique experiences such as indulging in invigorating hay baths and experimenting with fasting rituals. With each new encounter, his initially hesitant demeanor transforms into genuine curiosity and appreciation for these unconventional practices.
“The Reluctant Traveler” invites viewers to join Eugene Levy as he fearlessly explores locations around the globe. Stay tuned for this latest episode that promises to offer an engaging glimpse into Germany’s remarkable health resort culture.