We’re Here, May 10, 2024, HBO, “Tennessee, Part 3”

HBO’s acclaimed reality television series “We’re Here” continues its fourth season, showcasing the transformative power of drag across small-town America.

In the upcoming episode, “Tennessee, Part 3“, drag queens Sasha Velour, Priyanka, and Jaida Essence Hall shift their attention back to their drag children after a town hall meeting does not go as planned. As the queens and their “kids” prepare to take the stage, they hope for a warm reception from the local community, anticipating a display of love and acceptance.

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This episode follows the previous installment, “Tennessee, Part 2”, where the queens bravely attended a town hall meeting in full drag, risking potential arrest. It also introduced viewers to a new drag daughter, Princey, whose wrestling persona, “Pha’Nesse,” contrasts her confident and out personality.

“We’re Here” has garnered praise for its heartwarming portrayal of how drag can bring about love and connection in unexpected places.

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We’re Here, “Tennessee, Part 3”, will air at 9.00pm on May 10, 2024, on HBO.

Hey there! I'm Riley, the US TV Previews editor at memorabletv.com. I may have failed as a musician, but my love for Jeopardy knows no bounds. And let me tell you, The Wire is hands down the greatest TV show ever made. I've been writing about the entertainment biz since (mumble mumble). Stay tuned for all the latest TV news and previews!