In one off drama Harnessing Peacocks, based on the novel by Mary Wesley and adapted by Andrew Davies, upper-class single mum Hebe (Serena Scott Thomas) puts her son through private schooling by using her body with a collection of wealthy admirers.
Director James Cellan Jones took a Hitchcock style cameo as a milkman (he was credited as Iago Jones).
Cast: Serena Scott Thomas as Hebe; Peter Davison as Jim; John Mills as Bernard; Tom Beasley as Silas; Renée Asherson as Louisa; Brenda Bruce as Amy; Nicholas Le Prevost as Mungo; Richard Huw as Rory; Abigail McKern as Hannah; David Harewood as Terry; Dilys Hamlett as Lucy; Jeremy Child as Julian; Marsha Fitzalan as Alison; Delia Lindsay as Jennifer; Richard Mathews as Grandfather; Elizabeth Ashley as Grandmother; Tom Beard as Robert; Cara Konig as Ann; Nicholas Palliser as Delian; Helen Schlesinger as Cara; Buffy Davis as Patsy; Jay Benedict as Eli; Jamie Groves as Giles; Jackson Kyle as Alistair; Ben Keyworth as Michael; Jamie McClelland as Ian
Writer: Andrew Davies / Novel: Mary Wesley / Music: Richard Holmes / Executive Producers: Georgina Abrahams, Betty Willingale / Director: James Cellan Jones
UK / ITV – Meridian – Friday / 1×120 minute episode / Broadcast 1992