Sketch based series hosted by David Frost and broadcast live. Each episode looked at a different topic including the famous ‘class’ sketch written by Marty Feldman and John Law (John Cleese, Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett) stand in line with Upper-class Cleese looking down on Middle class Barker and working class Corbett, Barker looking up to Cleese and down on Corbett and Corbett remarking “I know my place”.
Writers included the already mentioned Feldman and Law and Michael Palin and Terry Jones, John Cleese and Graham Chapman, Eric Idle, Keith Waterhouse and Willis Hall, Frank Muir and Denis Norden, David Nobbs and Peter Tinniswood. The cast featured David Frost (as link man), John Cleese, Ronnie Barker, Ronnie Corbett, Sheila Steafal and Nicky Henson.
production details
David Frost
Ronnie Corbett
John Cleese
Ronnie Barker
Sheila Steafel
Nicholas Smith
Julie Felix
Tom Lehrer
Nicky Henson
Producer: James Gilbert
UK / BBC One / 26×25 minutes 1×35 minutes 1×40 minutes / 1966-1967 2 Seasons plus 2 specials