Fantasy sitcom Worzel Gummidge Down Under was a continuation (6 years later) of the series Worzel Gummidge. This saw Aunt Sally (Una Stubbs) sold to a museum in New Zealand with Worzel (Jon Pertwee) following her and getting into all kinds of scrapes once over there. The series was a co-production between the UK and New Zealand.
Fittingly much of the same behind the scene crew were involved as well as Jon Pertwee and Una Stubbs. Maybe it was the New Zealand setting but it was never as popular as the earlier version.
Cast: JON PERTWEE as Worzel Gummidge; UNA STUBBS as Aunt Sally; JONATHAN MARKS as Mickey; OLIVIA IHIMAERA-SMILER as Manu; BRUCE PHILLIPS as The Crowman; MICHAEL HAIGH as Prof Pike (Season 1); GERALD BRYAN as Rooney (Season 1); PATUPATU RIPLEY as Mrs Te Wheke (Season 1); JOY WATSON as Mrs Peacock (Season 1); WI KUKI KAA as Travelling Scarecrowmaker (Season 1); ROSS JOLLY as PC Peacock (Season 2); DAVID WEATHERLY as Bulbous Cauliflower (Season 2); AARON TAYLOR as Robert Mahoney (Season 2)
Creators: Keith Waterhouse, Willis Hall / Characters: Barbara Euphan Todd / Producer: Grahame J. McLean / Director: James Hill
UK-New Zealand / Channel 4 – TOTD – Creative Arts / 22×30 minute episode / Broadcast 1987 and 1989 2 Seasons