Lost Treasures of Egypt, May 9, 2024, Nat Geol, “Forgotten Pyramid”

Ancient Egypt: Chronicles Of An Empire

Egypt is a treasure trove of ancient history, and in this episode of “Lost Treasures of Egypt,” airing on Thursday May 9, archaeologists embark on a journey to uncover forgotten secrets hidden within an unexplored burial chamber deep inside a pyramid.

The pyramids, those majestic monuments that have ignited imaginations for centuries, continue to reveal their mysteries. In this episode, we look into the heart of one such pyramid, joining archaeologists as they explore a burial chamber that has lain untouched for millennia.

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The team crawls beneath the ancient structure, navigating dark and narrow passages to reach their destination. Torchlights illuminate the intricate inscriptions on the walls, each one a piece of a historical puzzle. As they brush away the dust of ages, they uncover not only physical treasures but also invaluable insights into the beliefs and practices of ancient Egypt.

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The burial chamber holds clues to the complex funerary rituals of the time, including the mummification process, which aimed to prepare rulers for the afterlife. The team discovers artifacts that shed light on the pharaohs’ beliefs about death and their quest for immortality.

Lost Treasures of Egypt: Forgotten Pyramid airs on Nat Geo at 9:00 pm on Thursday, May 9, 2024.

Hey there! I'm Riley, the US TV Previews editor at memorabletv.com. I may have failed as a musician, but my love for Jeopardy knows no bounds. And let me tell you, The Wire is hands down the greatest TV show ever made. I've been writing about the entertainment biz since (mumble mumble). Stay tuned for all the latest TV news and previews!