In sitcom Coach Hayden Fox copes with his job as coach of college football team at the Minnesota State University Screaming Eagles, as well as his 16 year old daughter turning up out of the blue.
The final two seasons saw Coach Fox relocate to Florida taking charge of professional team the Orlando Breakers.
Craig T. Nelson as Coach Hayden Fox
Jerry Van Dyke as Assistant Coach Luther Horatio Van Dam
Shelley Fabares as Christine Armstrong
Bill Fagerbakke as Dauber Dybinski
Clare Carey as Kelly Fox
Kriss Kamm as Stuart Rosebrock (1989-1992)
Kenneth Kimmins as Howard Burleigh
Pam Stone as Judy Watkins
Katherine Helmond as Doris Sherman (1995-1997)
Georgia Engel as Shirley Burleigh (1991-1997)
crew details
Creator: Barry Kemp
Executive Producers: Barry Kemp, Sheldon Bull, John Peaslee, Judd Pillot, Craig T. Nelson
production details
Country: USA
Network and Production Companies: ABC – Bungalow 78 – Universal
Duration: 199×25 minute episodes
Aired From: 1989-1997