Merry Wishmas, revolves around successful businesswoman Kenni (Tamela Mann) who hasn’t returned home to the quaint town of Columbia, South Carolina in years. She’s hoping for a peaceful visit when she finally returns home, but unresolved family issues threaten to make the Christmas holiday not so bright. She’s reacquainted with Jessie (David Mann), an old high school friend with a fledgling wellness facility – the Beverly Living Center.
She’s instantly thrown into the lives of the center’s residents and meets a host of colorful characters. When Jessie is faced with losing the Beverly Living Center, Kenni steps in to try and help save it. Family conflicts and relationship woes, however, threaten Kenni’s efforts. It looks like only a miracle can save the center and mend broken relationships in time for Christmas.
Merry Wishmas is directed by veteran actress Terri J. Vaughn and features a cameo appearance by rap artist Yung Joc, best known for popular singles It’s Goin’ Down and I Know You See It.
production details
USA | TV One – Bobbcat Films – Nina Holiday Entertainment | 1×90 minutes | Broadcast Sunday 2 December 2018 at 7.00pm
Angi Bones as Executive Producer
Cas Sigers-Beedles as Writer and Executive Producer
David Mann as Executive Producer
Roger Bobb as Executive Producer
Tamela Mann as Executive Producer
Terri J. Vaughn as Director and Executive Producer
Tamela Mann as Keneisha ‘Kenni’ Wright
David Mann as Jessie Jenkins
Chrystale Wilson as Dionne
Elizabeth Omilami as Regina
Kim Fields as Celine
Towanda Braxton as Natalie
Yung Joc as Himself