Peacock has greenlit a limited series called The Good Daughter, a psychological suspense thriller featuring Jessica Biel as the lead and executive producer. The show is based on Karin Slaughter’s bestselling novel of the same name. Emmy Award-winning producer Bruna Papandrea, along with Steve Hutensky and Casey Haver from Made Up Stories, will also serve as executive producers, alongside Biel and Michelle Purple from Iron Ocean.
The Good Daughter follows the lives of sisters Charlotte (Jessica Biel) and Samantha Quinn, who have spent nearly three decades trying to rebuild their shattered lives after a traumatic incident. When another crime shakes their small town of Pikeville, Charlotte becomes the first witness at the scene.
As a lawyer like her father before her, she must confront her own inner demons while uncovering shocking revelations throughout the case. Eventually, both Charlotte and Samantha question whether sacrificing everything to be the “good daughter” was truly worth it in the end.
This latest collaboration between Peacock and Karin Slaughter’s works follows the success of their previous hit limited series Pieces of Her. Fans can anticipate The Good Daughter to deliver an intense blend of suspense, crime drama, and emotional exploration when it premieres on Peacock in the near future.