Turner Classic Movies’ (TCM) limited series, “Two for One,” returns on Saturday May 11, with an insightful episode featuring acclaimed director Patty Jenkins in conversation with TCM Primetime Host Ben Mankiewicz. In this installment, Jenkins offers a curated selection of two films: “The Fisher King” (1991) and “Synecdoche, New York” (2008), providing a unique perspective on her creative process.
Known for her directorial work on “Wonder Woman” and “Monster,” Jenkins shares her reflections on these distinct choices. “The Fisher King,” starring Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, presents a fantasy drama centered on a former radio DJ’s quest for redemption in New York City. Meanwhile, “Synecdoche, New York,” written and directed by Charlie Kaufman, explores the ambitious psychological drama of a theater director, portrayed by Philip Seymour Hoffman, whose art blurs the lines between reality and fiction.
Viewers can expect to explore Jenkins’ influences and gain a deeper understanding of her craft in this episode. “Two for One” offers a rare opportunity to journey through cinematic history, guided by the insights of celebrated filmmakers.
Two for One: Patty Jenkins – The Fisher King (1991) & Synecdoche, New York (2008) airs May 11, 2024, at 8.00 pm on TCM.