TLC has recently announced an intriguing new limited series called “Take My Tumor,” which features three highly skilled doctors undertaking the challenging task of removing tumors from patients with extreme cases. Dr. Kimberly Moore Dalal, Dr. Jason Cohen, and Dr. Ryan F. Osborne, all esteemed surgeons in their respective fields, will showcase their expertise in this brand new show premiering on Wednesday, April 3 at 10PM ET/PT on TLC.
Dr. Kimberly Moore Dalal is a surgical oncologist based in Burlingame, California with an impressive 20 years of experience in her field. Meanwhile, Dr. Jason Cohen is a renowned surgical oncologist and general surgeon located in Beverly Hills, California who specializes in the treatment of thyroid and parathyroid glands.
Heading up the team is Dr. Ryan F. Osborne, Director of Head and Neck Surgery at the Osborne Head and Neck Institute (OHNI) situated in Los Angeles, California—an internationally recognized expert surgeon.
Patients from all around the world are seeking these doctors’ assistance to reclaim their lives from various debilitating tumors. The cases they encounter are truly extraordinary—ranging from a man whose neck tumor is growing rapidly to a woman covered head-to-toe with over a thousand tumors.
The first episode airing on April 3 follows Charmaine from Trinidad who suffers from an extreme case of neurofibromatosis where tumors cover her entire body—posing serious threats to her breathing and swallowing functions without intervention.
In another episode airing on April 10, thirty-year-old Alexandra faces a massive 20-pound tumor that starts at the back of her neck and extends below her waist—a pressing concern for surgeons to address before it further impacts her health.
On April 17th’s episode, we meet Tim who has been living with an alarming growth rate on his neck—although removing it may come with serious risks that could lead to paralysis.
Viewers can also look forward to a thought-provoking episode on April 24 featuring Marlow who considers a high-risk surgery to remove a facial tumor despite his family’s reservations. Meanwhile, Amy debates whether it is too late to have a tumor removed from her back after leaving it untreated for 17 years.
Throughout the series, we will witness the emotional journey of Jennifer whose relationship with her longtime boyfriend is endangered by the massive tumor growing from her stomach. Additionally, fifteen-year-old Marcelo travels all the way from Angola to Los Angeles in pursuit of removing an enormous neck tumor—only to discover that the operation may prove too risky.
Plus, viewers will be shocked by Arlin’s story—a man plagued by an enormous mass on his neck and head that constantly secretes fluids. Renae also grapples with a tumor impacting her shoulder and back, causing her to withdraw from public life and affecting her role as a care pastor.
As TLC unveils this groundbreaking series, audiences can stay up-to-date with all things “Take My Tumor” on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube and via their website.
Produced by Ping Pong Productions exclusively for TLC, “Take My Tumor” promises to be an emotionally charged and enlightening exploration of complex medical cases handled by some of the most skilled surgeons in their fields.